Kursus Decoupage Bersertifikat di Surabaya oleh Anna Julia - Adelh Gifts

Adelh Gifts dipercaya oleh komunitas decoupage internasional untuk dapat mengeluarkan Sertifikat berskala Internasional, yaitu Calambour Certificate dari Italia.

Di Indonesia hanya ada 2 perwakilan lain selain Anna Julia dari Adelh Gifts, yang diberikan kepercayaan untuk boleh mengajar dan mengeluarkan Sertifikat Calambour yang sama dari Italia.

Adelh Gifts has been recognized by its decoupage art and was the first in Indonesia since July 2013.

Starting January 2017, Anna Julia and Adelh Gifts has earned Calambour certificate with teaching licence. Therefore, Adelh Gifts is now able to issued Calambour (Italy) certificate for students all around Indonesia, along with 2 other decoupage studios.

Apa itu Program Calambour? (What is Calambour Programme?)

Calambour program

kursus decoupage surabaya

Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengikuti Program Calambour? (How long do we need for this programme?)

kursus decoupage


kelas decoupage surabaya

Apakah harus 3 (tiga) hari berturut-turut? (Do we have to take it 3 days in a row?)

decoupage surabaya

kelas decoupage bersertifikat

Apa tidak bisa dipercepat menjadi satu atau dua hari saja? (Can you make it faster, for instance one or two days only?)

Adelh Gifts Surabaya

Decoupage Surabaya

Adelh Gifts Decoupage

Mengapa perlu mengambil kursus ber-sertifikat? (Who should take this programme?)

Decoupage course Surabaya

Adelh Gifts Decoupage

Berapa biayanya? (How much is it?)

Calambour Decoupage di Indonesia

Semua murid yang berhasil menyelesaikan program Calambour secara lengkap dan memuaskan akan mendapatkan sertifikat yang ditandatangani oleh perwakilan Calambour resmi Asia dari SIFA Decoupage. Selain itu juga akan mendapatkan souvenir apron (celemek) ekslusif Adelh Gifts yang tidak akan bisa didapatkan di luar program Calambour.

All students who have accomplished the complete requirements in the program will be rewarded with Calambour Certificate which is signed by representative of Calambour Asia, the SIFA Decoupage, Thailand. And we will be giving you a special edition of apron from Adelh Gifts with "A Bong" (he is our beloved mascot in our logo) pictures on it, which is not available for purchase as genuine Adelh Gifts merchandise.

Info biaya dan pendaftaran silahkan hubungi:
E-mail: [email protected]
Line: AdelhGifts
WA: 0878 5364 1110

Foto-foto peserta program Calambour di Adelh Gifts:

So proud to see that our students are having a bright future after taking their Calambour Lessons at our studio.
1. Rahel WS. Combined decoupage with her clay creations. Follow her insta: @rahelws Chuelly's Handmade.
2. Ayunda from Pekanbaru now having her very own decoupage studio. She's also teaching decoupage there. Follow her instagram: @les_fleurs_boutiques .
3. Firda Yanto from Makassar now run a party decoration business both in Makassar and Papua, Irian Jaya. 
4. Ester Lie opens her own studio, LC House at Yogyakarta. For Central Java area, you can follow and contact her instagram @ek_lie for decoupage class.
5. Christine Yuliana from Samarinda. She seriously took all the lessons and Calambour programmes. Now she's ready to teach all Calambour lessons at her town. Please follow her instagram for enrolling the class: @littlebscorner.
6. Deysiana from Palu. Owner Toko Nam Flower at Palu. For Manado, Palu, or other area at Sulawesi, you can reach her WA for taking course.
7. Ullia Aljabrie from Surabaya. She has a passion to teach decoupage for kids, besides she also owned a decoupage collection with Umigege brand. Kindly follow her instagram: @ullia_aljabrie.
8. Fony from @mujurrotan_makasar has a very beautiful creations and products. Kindly follow and visit her store for your home and cafe decoration!
9. Novie Lestari run her "Little Things for You" decoupage brand. She also open classes for you who are in West Surabaya area. Pleaseee followe her instagram @novie.ruruh for details.


sertifikat Calambour Decoupage




Sertifikat yang diterima oleh murid di-issued langsung oleh SIFA DECOUPAGE, Bangkok, sebagai perwakilan Calambour Italia di Asia.

decoupage indonesia

Hasil karya salah satu murid kami


murid calambour program

decoupage untuk bisnis

Christine Yuliana, Decoupage teacher dan owner Little B's Corner di Samarinda (salah satu murid kami).

murid decoupage sertifikat kursus

peserta kursus decoupage bersertifikat surabaya

adelh gifts decoupage indonesia

Novie Lestari, kini mulai mengajar Decoupage dan menjual Decoupage Art yang indah di Surabaya.

 Murid Calambour decoupage Adelh Gifts

Evelyn (15 thn – kiri), murid termuda kami, mengambil program sertifikat bersama mamanya, Maria Ratna (kanan). Kini Evelyn mengajar dan membuat Decoupage art di Malang saat libur sekolah.

les fleurs deco pekanbaru

Ayunda “les_fleurs_deco” dari Pekanbaru, memperdalam ilmu Decoupage dengan mengambil program bersertifikat. Kini bu Ayunda siap mengajar dan mengembangkan usaha decoupage-nya dengan label “les_fleurs_deco” di Pekanbaru.